How to Prepare Your Pet for a New Baby

How to Prepare Your Pet for a New Baby

Welcoming a newborn home is thrilling and life-altering, yet it can additionally be a substantial shift for your pet dog. Pets are habitual beings, and an abrupt shift in their atmosphere, schedule, and attention spans can plague them to become stressed or bewildered. Below, you will find tips on preparing your pet for a new baby that could help with a smoother transition between your pet and your new bundle of joy.

This guide will cover:

✔ Why you need to prepare

✔ Guidelines to help your pet make a transition

✔ Tips for safely introducing your baby to your handy pet

✔ Common mistakes to avoid

Doing these will ensure your pet feels safe and appreciated when your baby arrives.

Why You Should Prepare Your Pet for a New Baby

Most pets, and particularly our cats and dogs can be sensitive to change in their surroundings. If they are not prepared for it they generally face:

🔹 Anxiety or stress from the new auditory, olfactory, and decreased engagement stimulation increases.

🔹 Jealousy — for example, if they begin barking or scratching more, or if they have an accident.

🔹 Being scared of the baby- this is new and foreign.

🏷 The excitement or touch that can hurt the child unwittingly.

Yes, with a bit of prep, patience and training and with time, your pet will get used to your baby and may even love them too.

Step 1: Start Preparing Early

The earlier you start to get your pet used to the baby, the better. A slow adjustment allows your pet to become used to the changes little by little and not become stressed out.

1.1 Adjust Your Pet’s Routine

We all know that babies take a lot of time, and your pet’s routine will be thrown out of whack. Start making gradual changes:

✔ Gradually shift their schedule to follow yours so if your pet is accustomed to getting attention at particular times of the day, slowly change their schedule.

✔ Begin to push back the time of their meals or walks a bit, but do not make your pet relate that the baby had caused the decrease in attention.

✔ Establish regular play times that you can keep up with even after the baby comes.

1.2 Teach Basic Obedience Commands (for Dogs)

If you have a dog, training is very important. Ensure they know:

🐶 Sit and stay – This helps to keep them calm around the baby.

🐶 Leave it – Prevents them from grabbing baby items.

🐶 Go to your bed – Gives them a place to retreat to safety.

Your dog should not have any behavioral issues before the baby arrives. You may opt for a personal coaching if required.

Step 2: Get your pet used to baby noises and scents

When baby arrives, your pet will be introduced to a lot of different smells, sounds and objects. By introducing these elements early, they can mitigate any fear or anxiety.

2.1 Expose Your Pet to Baby Sounds

The cries, laughter, and coos of a baby can rattle your pet. Get them accustomed to these sounds by:

🔹 Low sound volume and increase volume to hear recordings of baby noises.

🔹 Treating your pet for being calm

🔹 Allowing them to listen to actual baby cries (if feasible) by visiting with relatives or friends who have fresh infants

2.2 Introduce Baby Scents

In anticipation of the arrival of the baby, get your pet used to:

✅ Baby Lotions, Powders, Shampoos From Applying on Your Hands

✔ Infants wear clothes and blankets so they recognize the new smell

✔ Something which smells like the baby (e.g., an item of their clothing or blanket) prior to the meet and greet.

2.3 Prepare Baby Things Ahead Of Time

Furniture and equipment for babies (cribs, swings, strollers) can be new territory for pets. Allow your pet to:

✔ Take their time to go around one sniffing and inspecting the above mentioned.

✔ Become comfortable with the color scheme for the crib and baby stuff throughout your home

✔ Listen to rocking or stroller moving sound etc.

It will allow your pet to get used to the space before the baby comes along.

Step 3: Establish Boundaries

You want your pet to feel included but you also want to protect both your baby and your pet so boundaries are important.

3.1 Keep the nursery off-limits

Determine your plan for allowing a pet into the baby room early If not:

Use a baby gate or a closed door to help set boundaries!

✔ Train them to stay out of the nursery before baby arrives

✔ If they are relaxed, let them watch from a safe distance.

3.2 Teach Gentle Interactions

A baby at home also means that your pets, especially dogs and cats, must learn to avoid any kind of disturbance.

🐶 For dogs: If you should encounter a pooch, engage in soft play and avoid jumping about and/or roughhousing.

🐱 For kitties: If they are scratching or climbing, move them to a different location away from the baby stuff.

Teach your pet to sit beside you, instead of jumping into your lap.

Step 4: Cut down the envy by keeping the focus

With a new baby at home your pet may feel pushed aside or neglected. Prevent jealousy by:

✔ Making sure to spend time every day with your fur baby, after the little one arrives

✔ Rewarding them with treats and praise for behaving well around baby things

✔ Getting them involved in things such as sitting beside you while you are tending to the baby.

The intention is not to replace, but to include your pet in the fun.

Step 5: Introduction for the First Time

The first interaction with the bundle of joy once it arrives is crucial. To introduce him safely and positively:

5.1 Allow Your Pet To Sniff An Item From The Baby

Prior to the in-person introduction:

✔ Bring a blanket or clothing that smells like the baby.

✔ Give calm praise and treats while letting your pet sniff it.

5.2 Don't Make the First Meeting a Mob Scene

Reintroducing your pet to the baby:

✔ Wait until your pet is calm and relaxed before introducing the baby.

✔ Keep your pet on a leash or a safe distance away from the skin

✔ Let them get a whiff of the infant from afar.

✔Praise and reward calm behavior.

Do not pressure interaction — allow your pet to take his time.

Step 6: Supervise Interactions and Ensure Safety

Never leave your pet and the baby unsupervised even if the pet is extremely well behaved.

🔹 Always monitor interactions

🔹 Observe for stress signals (ears back, tail lowered, growling)

🔹 Provide your pet with a calm place to go to when they need some alone time.

➡️ Keep rewarding the positive behaviors with praise and rewards.

Your pet will learn to be gentle and respectful around baby as long as you supervise and remain consistent.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

🚫 Totally neglecting your pet – This could produce jealousy and behavioral problems.

🚫 Punishing your pet for exploring – Redirect with positive reinforcement

🚫 Do not force your pet to meet the baby – Let nature take its course.

🚫 No training — You need the basic command of your time in order for everyone to be comfortable and safe.


Training your pet for a new baby is a gradual process that requires time, patience, and consistency. Your pet will feel safe and welcome, by slowly transitioning their routine, introducing sounds and smells of the baby, setting rules and expectations, and making sure their interaction are all positive.

However, with a bit of preparation, your pet and baby can potter around the house safe in the knowledge that they are best friends for life.